Thursday, December 16, 2010

American's. They Are Perfect, or Not!

           My girlfriend tells me everyday " I'm fat, I need to work out longer, I cant go to cub without makeup on, I need a better job and car, these jeans make me look horrible."

            I try to tell her she looks amazing and that she is beyond perfect in every way but, it doesn't work one bit.
            America is so into stereotyping that no one can just be normal anymore. They must strive to be perfect. They show that in every magazine you need to work out more and eat better. If you complete this then you will have the perfect body. For girls and women they need flawless skin, nice body, perfect makeup and to be the object of sex appeal to every man. For men they need to look like they stepped right out of Abercrombie and be the slave to every women to make the perfect boyfriend. Well news flash America is getting fatter not skinner. The world better start accepting that magazines aren't people they are, Photoshop.
                                       Do you look like this?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Prime Time

Thursday, December 9, 2010

ky yours and mine

My Ad and mine/chinabound3/DSCF2076.jpg?o=39

   Recently with the new news of KY's newest products on the market there have been a lot of new commercials. I watch a lot of MTV and VH1, or at least my girlfriend does. One of the most popular commercials is for some type of KY product. When I go to the store I've noticed that the commercials work because there is usually some lady in front of us buying some product of KY that has just come out. I wondered why it is so popular.

 I decided to deconstruct the best of the KY commercials I have seen lately because I find it entertaining and interesting at the same time. Obviously it is working for the older people.
Bandwagon- if you use the KY gel too then you will be like them and have an amazing time.

  • Humor- they use the funny music and the guys dancing to be the amazing part but its really just funny.

  •  Intensity- The lady is all serious about how she was scared but then at the end it show s them all sprawled out like something intense had really happened.

  • Plain folks- shows that they are just "normal" people in their bedroom.

  • Fear- the wife was really scared to buy it and try it like most couples out there.

  • Testimonials- They had to try it to see if it really worked, and it did.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Super Bowl

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Childhood and TV

I remember getting off the bus and running down my long drive way to the house. I would run inside drop my backpack, rip off my shoes and bolt into my room. I then turned the TV on hurried into the kitchen got some fruit snacks and ran back into my room and slammed the door. I plopped my self right in front of my super small bulky TV only to enjoy and hour of cartoons before my parents came home.

This was my typical after school experience for the 11 years I was in school. I always watched TV after school and still watch it everyday after work. My TV was my best friend no matter what state of mind I was in. MY parents never really cared what I watched they would just come in see what I was doing and left. It was my thing and my time they didn't care. This has affected me now. I feel like the more vulguar a show is the better. Since I never was censored I grew up knowing a lot I probably shouldn't have for my age. Sometimes it got me in big trouble and sometimes I was just the smart kid.

TV affects every child no matter what they watch, when they watch it or how. If it is censored or not it is still going to have some impact on the child's life believe it or not. I believe that censoring up to a certain age is reasonable but then you have to realize that what they are hearing out in the world or school is probably ten times worse than the television.